Why should I drink water?
A main reason why drinking water daily is essential is due to your bodies health. Water has health benefits in so many ways. It is abundantly important that humans have the right amount of water intake every day. We cannot forget the main reasons: helping your physical performance, aiding in digestion and your body fighting illnesses.
Did you know?. Your brain and heart combined are made up of 73% water and your lungs are composed of 83% water. To take in oxygen and eliminate carbon dioxide your lungs must be continually moistened with water. The average person loses between half and a full litre of water each day just by breathing. You should drink water in order for your brain to stay hydrated. Water can also help balance your hormone levels and it plays a large role in producing neurotransmitters too. There are many hidden reasons why you should drink water, not just these listed.

An excellent example of the importance of water, is that it helps produce saliva. In fact, water is the main component of saliva, among small amount of mucus, electrolytes and enzymes. The breaking down of food by saliva is essential in your digestive system, and as a bonus saliva keeps your mouth healthy!
Staying hydrated is crucial to maintaining a good and steady body temperature, as water helps to regulate this. Your body is actively losing water throughout the day through sweat in hot climates and physical activity, this doesn’t sound like much of a problem but if you aren’t keeping hydrated it can cause your body temperature to rise. Drinking water avoids the loss of electrolytes and plasma and keeps you clear of dehydration.
Although popular belief says differently, fibre isn’t the only way to battle against constipation – drinking water daily can fight of illnesses such as kidney stones, exercise induced asthma and constipation. If the right amount of water isn’t consumed daily (along with magnesium and fibre), this can negatively affect your bowels. There are many other examples of how a lack of water is bad for you, which can be learned about through a google search.
So, why should you drink water? Water is vital to go about everyday life with no bumps in the road. Staying hydrated is no easy feat for some, the recommended amount of water to have a day is 6-8 cups, which some may struggle with. Flavoured water or cordial is a great way to keep your water intake high. Water is not only important at home, but also in the workplace as it boosts concentration levels. Your workplace, by law, has to provide ‘an adequate supply of wholesome drinking water for all persons at work in the workplace’ this can vary from water taps, water coolers and providing bottled water for employees.
The Thirst Alternative supply many different choices of water dispensers for offices and schools, to browse the choices click here.