How much does a typical water cooler service cost?
Servicing should take place every six months, but how much does a typical water cooler service cost to ensure the water stays fresh and your unit stays properly clean?. The Thirst Alternative provide the servicing of water coolers, even if your units aren’t supplied by us.
What does this include?
A service includes a variety of procedures to ensure your water cooler stays sanitised and functional; full sanitisation of reservoir or tank, float valve, internal tubing, dispensing area and removal & sanitisation of taps where applicable. (includes use of H2o2 sanitiser on all pressure fed systems) and a descale and cleaning of the water boiler sensors where applicable. This is then finished with the addition of a cooler record card attached to the rear of each unit. This card is signed & dated by the technician who performed the servicing & maintenance visit.
For more information about water cooler servicing click here.
So, how much does a typical water cooler service cost?
You should look to use a company affiliated with the Water Cooler and Hydration Association (WHA) Typical prices are: Ad-Hoc servicing (single visit) customers should expect a price of £108 per water cooler per visit. This is not including the additional £8 cost of a water filter or separate replacment U.V bulbs. You should look to pay the same price whether the unit is direct chill or gravity fed as the work to complete the job takes roughly the same amount of time. A great way to to get an idea about your new water cooler servicing company’s serviced levels is to book and Ad Hoc service first as these types of maintenance visits offer no commitment or contract.
A more popular choice for a servicing agreement is over a 36-month period. This includes 2 visits and is a little more cost effective and costs £155 per cooler per annum. If your watercooler happens to break during the agreed time you should check before signing any documentation that you can switch the agreement to a new chiller instead. All maintenance agreements with the Thirst Alternative Limited can be switched to another unit (either purchased from us, or by yourselves), as long as the number of units on the master agreement remains the same.
Interested in Hot Water Boiler servicing?
To apply for a maintenance pack on your chillers please call us on 01925 235 140.