Office Water Coolers in Wigan, Lancashire
We supply all types of Office Water Coolers in Wigan, Lancashire.
Is your company based in Wigan or the surrounding towns such as Leigh or St Helens?. If so then why not consider The Thirst Alternative Limited for your plumbed in water coolers or water boilers?
Based locally down the M6 we are ideally placed to service companies in Wigan for their water cooler requirements.
To view our whole range of water coolers please click here.
If you have located us from an internet search engine and don’t really wish to read our blog. We won’t take offence, please click here if you’d like to go straight to our home page.
We have decided to blog about Wigan for one simple reason. It is a town based very locally to us and we really try hard in the hope that businesses in our area contact us as opposed to the national water cooler suppliers. If only to give us a chance to show what we can offer.
We provide rentals, outright purchase and maintenance of ‘plumbed in’ (sometimes referred to as ‘mains fed’) water coolers for businesses. We install them to EDWCA standards and we can fit them up to 40 metres away from the nearest mains fed water supply.
If you require an office water cooler in Wigan for your kitchen, office or warehouse then please get in touch. We’d be happy to hear from you and we can supply quotations within one hour.
We supply Borg and Overstrom, Acis and Winix water coolers and we’ll arrange installation within 3 days of our free, no obligation site visit. For water cooler rentals and water coolers taken with a maintenance package, installation is always free of charge.
For those Wigan Rugby League fans who enjoy the friendly ‘banter’ – Our Water Cooler Engineer Les is a keen Warrington Wolves Fan. Potential customers be warned. You may need to put aside an hour of your working day if you decide to bring up the subject of rugby league during your water cooler service visit’s.
A local Wigan blog, brought to you by Warrington’s only dedicated mains fed water cooler provider.
To view our whole range of water coolers please click here.’’ & ‘’We won’t take offence, please click here if you’d like to go straight to our home page. ‘’ & ‘’For more information about our range of water coolers, please feel to contact us or telephone 01925 235 140.